
Showing 1 to 10 of 145
Print Version Abnormal Head Position WHAT IS AN ABNORMAL HEAD POSITION? This is when the head is not straight when focusing. The head can be with the chin up or down, titled right or left, the face turned right or left, or a mixture of any of these. The ...
Print Version Accommodative Esotropia WHAT IS ACCOMMODATIVE ESOTROPIA? Accommodative esotropia is when the eyes don’t line up properly, which is also called strabismus. It’s a common problem in children and is sometimes called refractive esotropia or "crossed ...
PRINT VERSION Achromatopsia What is Achromatopsia? Achromatopsia is an eye problem where it is hard to see and hard to see colors. This is because a part of the eye called the retina does not work well. People with this issue have blurry vision and mostly see ...
PRINT VERSION Adjustable Sutures in Strabismus Surgery WHAT IS AN ADJUSTABLE SUTURE IN STRABISMUS SURGERY? Adjustable suture strabismus surgery is a type of eye muscle surgery that allows the surgeon to be able to fine-tune the eye muscle position in the immediate ...
Adult Strabismus (Adult Eye Misalignment) Print Version Print Version (In Arabic) Can anything be done for adults with strabismus (misaligned eyes)? Yes. Adults can benefit from some of the same treatment options that are available to children ...
Print Version Albinism What is albinism? Albinism is a medical problem that people are born with and it runs in families.  People with albinism have less pigment (melanin) which gives color to their skin, hair, and eyes [figure 1]. Fig. 1: People with ...
Print Version Allergic Conjunctivitis What is allergic conjunctivitis? Allergic conjunctivitis is a common eye problem that affects more than 20% of people. It is a reaction of the outer lining of the eyeball (conjunctiva) to things in the environment to which ...
Print Version- English   Print Version- Arabic Amblyopia What is Amblyopia? Amblyopia, also called “ lazy eye ,” is when one or both eyes don’t see well even with glasses. It happens when something affects how the vision develops in childhood. When ...
Loss of vision in one or both eyes caused by conditions that impair the normal visual input during the period of development of vision. #EyeTerms
Print Version  External (Extraocular) Anatomy   EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLES: The eye has six muscles work together to move it, similar to the strings on a marionette or the reins of a horse. These muscles come from the eye socket (orbit) and help move the ...