What is the AAPOS Foundation?
The Children's Eye Foundation is the official foundation of AAPOS. The mission is to optimize the quality of life of children by eliminating preventable vision loss and eye disease and encourage physicians to enter the field of pediatric ophthalmology.
How does AAPOS support the training of pediatric ophthalmologists?
AAPOS establishes educational goals and encourages the creation and maintenance of post-residency training programs. AAPOS encourages training in pediatric ophthalmology in ophthalmology residency programs. AAPOS sponsors post-graduate meetings and seminars and propagates educational materials related to the training of pediatric ophthalmologists.
How does AAPOS support research activities in pediatric ophthalmology?
AAPOS encourages and supports individual and cooperative clinical research.
How does AAPOS advance the care of adults with strabismus?
AAPOS supports research and education and demonstrates the value of advances in clinical care of adults with strabismus.
What educational programs does AAPOS organize?
AAPOS meets annually for exchange of new information. Material is presented in papers, posters and workshops. AAPOS sponsors an update in pediatric ophthalmology for general ophthalmologists at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.